Parish Prayer Group - Mondays, 7-8pm
Prayer, scripture (the following Sunday's Gospel), reflection, intercession, faith questions, concluding prayers. Enquiries to Rita & Roger Peterson, 09 238 4667.
Meditation Prayer Group - Wednesdays, 5.30 pm in the Chapel
Catholic meditation based on a form of prayer by John Main, Benedictine monk. Our session consists of a 20-minute teaching, a 20-minute mantra meditation, and a concluding prayer for our lives to create a spiritual home for those who seek Jesus. To find out more, please contact Roanne (027) 647 8000 or Email:
Parish Council
Made up of representatives of the various parish groups. Along with the parish priest Father Robert Steele, the council aims to nurture and preserve the spiritual and physical needs of the parish. Peter Fa'afiu is the current Parish Council Chair. Please contact the Parish Office for contact details.
Liturgy Committee
Meets once a month to organise the Liturgy of the Masses.
Children's Liturgy Committee
Organises the weekly children’s liturgy for Sunday 10am Masses during the School Term. Uses the programme provided by the Catholic Diocese of Auckland.
Parish Finance Committee
Made up of the parish priest and 5 parish members.
Catholic Women's League
Contact Fleur De Farias (027) 228 6053
St. Patrick's Food Bank Group
Contact Noel Surrey (09) 238 6377
Caring Group
We are keen to help and support all our parish members. Contact the Parish Office for further assistance.
Counties Catholic Men's Group
Roger Peterson (09) 238 4667
Craft Group
Every Monday in the upper room or local cafe. Sharing, fellowship, craft and a cuppa. Call Lynette (09) 238 5690 or just come along.